Welcome to MDENAULTFITNESS, a unique blog here for you to explore and combine your fitness, nutrition, and mental health. Fitness has personally added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with my clients and readers. My ultimate goal is to help and/or inspire as many people as I can. I hope to share my story, relate on some level and hopefully motivate you to either start your fitness journey or continue to grow in any aspect of your life.
Read on in the "About" section, and enjoy.
When Im old, I want to know I did everything I could to bring value, love, and light to peoples lives. I don't just want to help people get in "better" shape, but become a better version of themselves. A self that they are proud of inside and out. My hopes are to provide value to others, love to strangers, and light to those who need it until I'm no longer around. And I want to do so by staying genuine and transparent in this crazy world we find ourselves in.